The Task

ServiceNow and specifically Now Learning have hundreds of features and products, which overtime has created thousands of courses, accreditations, and certifications to maintain, update, and manage for over one million users and 8,000 customers. This does not include ServiceNow Community, support, partners and other business orgs which all needed to have a standardized badging system. I was tasked with creating the system which had previously been attempted by a design studio but was abandoned due to cost and time concerns.

The solution

Build a future forward badging system that is not only in-line with our competitors, brand, and goals but has future flexibility for campaigns such as gamification and localization.

Course Badges

With over 1,200 course badges and on average 6 new courses a week, maintaining and upgrading for badges that were anywhere from 1 to 10 years old was a challenge.

Credential Badges

Sales, Pre-Sales, HR, Specialist, Certifications, Master Programs and beyond all fell under the Credential Badge category. These highest achieving badges had a unique look and feel and are shared commonly on social media for new Certified Master Architects and Technicians.

Community Badges

The ServiceNow Community org is one of the purest, grass root developer orgs in the world, with support from nearly every country and countless hours and pages of contributions. These badges merged with existing styles as well as refining what we recognized about our community.

Badge Specs

All badges stayed on brand while being engaging and accessible. With some titles of courses and content being over 12 words long and with the need to translate/utilize different features such as years, partners and localization, there were a lot of factors to account for.


Certificates and achievements are one of the final endpoints for badges and there was a strong need to bring a cohesive look to “homemade” badges and certificates shared across ServiceNow learners.

Beyond Digital

There is a lot of merch at ServiceNow, particularly with the expert programs. These badges had to be flexible enough to adapt to screen printing, pins, embroidery etc.