Lend a Hoping Hand

Hopelink’s premiere holiday fundraising campaign, Lend a Hoping Hand or LAHH for short had large shoes to fill in 2018. 2017’s campaign broke the previous fundraising record for the month of December. Additionally, due to social perception in the community, support for homelessness and social services was waning. Our marketing team was able to capture emotions by utilizing captivating imagery and strong branding with our Partner and principle sponsor Amazon.

Social Impact

Our channels required more than a “one size fits all” solution in terms of imagery. We found over previous years’ campaigns that utilizing strongly branded content fell flat on social media. Instead we utilized real stories with un-doctored photos for the maximum reach.asdfasdfasd

Web Presence

Strategically timed to days where giving and philanthropy was highest, our full page takeover and extended network ads reached tens of thousands in the region, and followed them throughout the month.

Mailings still key

While our online donations (especially from mobile) increased during 2018, nonprofits still heavily rely upon mailings to current and potential donors. Our mailings alone accounted for nearly $600,000 in 2018. I was able to ABCD test x4 designs to see both average donation, % of recipients who donated, and shift in giving trends.

Constant Reminders

Hopelink also utilized bus advertising, which covered all bases in terms of advertising channels. It also remains one of the most cost efficient methods of physical advertising in terms of reach within a region.

LAHH 2018 showed strong branded while tugging on heartstrings. It used imagery that was appropriate for the channel, and was able to raise well above the expected total, even during a year where homelessness and social issues reached an all time low in public opinion.

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